Elliott Smith’s self-titled album was released July 21, 1995 under Kill Rock Stars records. The album starts off with the hit single “Needle in the hay”. Needle in the hay is definitely considered one of, and if not the best song of the album. People loved that song so much it was featured in multiple films such as Wes Anderson’s film The Royal Tenenbaums. The song was used in a scene featuring an attempted suicide that smith was not a fan of.
Although Needle in the hay is the most popular and heard song of the album does not mean the rest of the music isn’t as good. The sound of the heavy hitting chord tones of his progressions, especially the thirds and his whispery, spider web-thin delivery makes listening to him just drops you deep down and think and sit feeling so very sallow.
Overall Elliott smiths self-titled is what really paved and introduced the world to his work.
lydia • Dec 4, 2023 at 10:57 pm
i agree!! please review sling by clairo next 🙂